Immutable and our partners are excited to bring to you the best web3 gaming content in the world. We’ve had a ton of exciting updates so far like our StarkNet kickoff and release of the protocol fees. And it doesn’t end there — Illuvium’s land sale kicks off on 2nd June 6:00AM PST // 2nd June 11:00PM AET! (Watch this space for more exciting content)
To celebrate, we want to give the Immutable X community a special limited event: trading rewards for 6 weeks starting 2nd of June! This is also a sneak peek for our daily trading rewards in the future.
How does it work?
- We will tally your trades made in the Immutable X orderbook during the special event.
- There will be a snapshot date at which we finalize the total trading volume of all users’ eligible trades during the special event (details to follow). EDIT: Final Snapshot Date : “14th July 00:00 UTC”
- Once tallied, we’ll distribute the rewards pool proportionately according to users trading volume. You will be eligible for rewards based on the proportion of your trading volume to the total trading volume for the period of this special event.
- We will announce the details of distribution and how users can claim their rewards with their Layer 2 wallets at a later date
- Rewards will be subject to an unlock period: 1/3 of rewards will be available immediately, with the remaining 2/3 unlocking over 6 months
Who’s eligible for rewards?
- You need to have a registered wallet on Immutable X
- Using your registered wallet, you need to trade NFTs within the Immutable X protocol
- Only trades starting 2nd June 2022 6:00AM PST // 2nd June 2022 11:00PM AET, AND before the snapshot date will count (snapshot date to follow)
- Only trades of NFT collections in the Immutable X open orderbook will count towards the tally and rewards. (i.e. some collections, based on technical limitations, are not counted)
- Amounts paid for fees also count towards volume tracked
What rewards are up for grabs?
- A total of 1,600,000 IMX tokens (at the time writing worth ~2,000,000 USD*) will be distributed proportionally, based on points earned
Happy trading!
For any questions, reach out to our support team.
Hangout in Discord if you want to compare notes with fellow traders and community members: www.discord.gg/immutablex
*Based on a 30-day VWAP